Sunday, December 7, 2008

Beats Up your Metabolism

Diabetes has emerged as a major health care problem in India.According to international Diabetes Federation(IDF) there were an estimation of 4 crore persons with diabetes in India in the year 2007 and this number is predicted to rise to almost 7 crores by 2025.It is estimated that every fifth person with diabetic will be an Indian.Diabetes is a disease in which body does not produce or properly use insulin.Insulin is a chemical substance produced by the body which is needed to convert sugar ,starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.Most common diabetic eye disease and one of the leading causes of blindness is Diabetic Retinoteraphy which brings about changes in blood vessels of retina.It is better to have a routine retinal check up and preserve our precious vision .As prevention is better than cure !!!!WE can protect ourselves from this and stay fit and healthy

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Watching Cinema

Its a big blunder and nonsense now a days by watching Tamil cinema. The quality of the movies are day by day decreasing, not good to watch at all. Spending a lot of money for buying tickets and finally when we see the movie brings the audience a heart attack.
Probably the directors thought the audience are fools to watch those kind of senseless movies.
Instead of that people especially students can sit and watch movies with no dialogue , hope the guys should understand it, instead of getting spoiled by watching those worthless Tamil movies.
The pass time for most of us have become a threat, making the people more work less.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bunking colleges

Wow WHAT AN EXPERIENCE ...............
Its a hobby for many of the college students these days to bunk colleges regularly.Fed up enough lecture then its time bunk the college.The experience of bunking college make the students to feel what life is for enjoyment . Is always fun with friends hauling, chit chatting, playing in and around when bunking.Many students hang out at theaters,mall,shop.etc.....and have pleasant passtime making the entire atmosphere an exciting one.Forgetting the class, professors, hods.......getting a lively entertainment is only Bunking.So guys its always bunking bringing smile to students....


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

playing cricket

Playing cricket is quite a common sports in India. though its not the national sports the whole country watch cricket. children start to play cricket at the age of 3 and its a wonderful sports to watch.Guys do bunk the college go to the ground with bat ball sticks with a small gang to enjoy playing cricket.
The play ground in India as only filled with small groups of children playing cricket.
Its a good evening spending time for many of the youngsters.
Those silly rule is changed to funny rule when it comes to street cricket and gully cricket.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chennai cooking bonanza.

Here is an opportunity for you to learn how to dish out hose tasty treats with style
The cooking bonanza starting off in Chennai at TAJ Connemara overseeing the session, participant will get the lowdown on some well kept secrets of Japanese cuisine.
The course that awaits participants will be fun filled. People will have an opportunity to learn the intricacies of many cuisines. When it comes to Italian dishes, people generally shy away. but this is a good opportunity to take home some sumptuous secrets.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Writing exams

the most difficult part in the life of a student is writing exams. Though its only the exams which decide our life its a monotonous task.School students are burdened with lot of exams,
According to me in the book we might have seen that
Untouchability is a sin.
Untouchability is a crime
Untouchability is inhumane...........
All this should be replaced in the good sense and the benefit of the people.
Quarterly exam is a sin.
Half yearly is a crime
Annual exam is inhumane.
Please don't even burden our younger generations also.
And this should also be taken to college level saying that.....
Cycle test is a sin.
Model exam is a crime,
Semester exam is inhumane...


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

HOD A big menace

Often students get involved in trouble in college days due many activities. students feel that getting scoldings from the hod is a passtime time and many staffs feel that scolding the students is their job and thats why they are paid for.
HOD dont have any brains always asking silly questions to the students make the students get irritated.Sometimes the HOD will ask to bring the parents, but student will be in a dilemma as whose parents to bring whether our parents or HODs parents.
According to me the biggest menace to students is the HOD
