Sunday, December 7, 2008

Beats Up your Metabolism

Diabetes has emerged as a major health care problem in India.According to international Diabetes Federation(IDF) there were an estimation of 4 crore persons with diabetes in India in the year 2007 and this number is predicted to rise to almost 7 crores by 2025.It is estimated that every fifth person with diabetic will be an Indian.Diabetes is a disease in which body does not produce or properly use insulin.Insulin is a chemical substance produced by the body which is needed to convert sugar ,starches and other food into energy needed for daily life.Most common diabetic eye disease and one of the leading causes of blindness is Diabetic Retinoteraphy which brings about changes in blood vessels of retina.It is better to have a routine retinal check up and preserve our precious vision .As prevention is better than cure !!!!WE can protect ourselves from this and stay fit and healthy

1 comment:

motts said...

by the end of 2010 the diabetes patient going to double up..just read in some magazines...