I still cant really believe my ears and eyes after hearing about this,A "Gate keeper earns much more than the President of U.S"this one is really true.In America at city of LasVegas a lot of people spend their nights at night clubs.This is the place where a lot of billionaires hop in and they provided with a lot of entertainment such as comedians,strippers and music.The Lasvegas city attracts a lot of people from various of the city due to its abundance entertainment activities.A night club usually consists of 25000 seats.But usually around 60000 tickets would be sold.That too a lot of people come to night clubs and most of them prefer to get seated at the front rows.With the help of gatekeeper a person can easily come and occupy the front seat.Thus most of people fight within themselves to get seated at the front seats and they pay the gate keeper for it.Most of people would tip him with thousands to lakhs of rupees.Thus by statistically viewing upon a gatekeepers pay they found out that he earns around 2 crores a month and comparing to the President's pay it is 40 lakhs much higher.Thus on looking on this you could imagine the state of people out there.I was really shocked on looking upon it. Anyone willing to join this job?
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